Terms and conditions

17th of February, 2023


Current document is permanently published on the https://mindfulline.com (hereinafter – Website) and is a Public Offer to conclude the Agreement for the provision of remote access services with any interested person.
1.2. The proper acceptance of this offer is the commission in the aggregate of the following actions by the User:
- Pressing the button «I accept terms and conditions of the offer» while registering on the Website https://mindfulline.com or elsewhere on the Website, where the relevant button is placed;
- Pressing the button «I accept terms and conditions of the personal data processing policy» while registering on the Website https://mindfulline.com or in any other places on the Website, where this button is placed;
- Making full or partial payment for the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The Agreement is considered to be concluded between the User and the Contractor from the moment of receipt of funds in payment for the Services to the Contractor's current account.
1.3. Acceptance of the Public Offer and conclusion of the Agreement means that the User has become sufficiently familiar with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the specifics of functioning of the Platform and the AXL educational platform, where the Contractor’s educational materials are placed, moreover, User recognizes the definite effectiveness of the Platform and the AXL educational platform for the actions and goals that are the subject of the Agreement.
1.4. By accepting the Public Offer, the User confirms that the Contractor's provision of Services under the Agreement remotely, by using the software, the Platform, where the educational materials are published, is fully consistent with the User's ability to use the Services provided in this way.
1.5. Paying for the Contractor's Services, the User:
- guarantees that the information they provide about themselves is true and up-to-date;
- guarantees that User is an adult and fully capable, unless otherwise specifically agreed with the Contractor;
- agrees that User is solely responsible for any consequences deriving from the provision of false, irrelevant or incomplete information about himself/herself.


In the Agreement, unless expressly provided otherwise in the text, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:
«Personal Account on the AXL educational platform» means the aggregate of the information, text, graphics, design, images, photos, videos and other intellectual property including computer programs contained within the AXL education platform owned by the Contractor.
«Webinar» means a video presentation of the educational program with comments; broadcasting of the speech in real time / recorded speech, carried out with the use of special software, access to which is provided by the Contractor. If the broadcast is made in real time, the User may ask questions on the subject of the Webinar using the chat of the webinar room or using other ways of communication on the Internet. Information about the content, prices, duration of Webinars, the period of access to Webinars is provided by the Contractor on the Website.
«Agreement», «Public Offer», «Contract» means this document as published on the Internet, as well as sent for review by e-mail or made available for review by any other ways.
«Contractor» means NEUROART LIMITED (Unique TAXISnet registration number 10433947202206064).
«Course» means a certain part of the information contained on the Platform, access to which is transferred by the Contractor by providing the User with certain data and commands, consisting of a set of interrelated lessons and materials (texts, photo and video materials, other objects of intellectual rights, access to live broadcasts (webinars)), united by a common topic, arranged in a certain sequence and aimed at the independent acquisition of knowledge and skills on the relevant topic by the User. Information about the names, programs, rates, courses provided by the Contractor on the Website. An abridged version of the Course is called the Intensive (access to the Intensive is available to Users either for free or for fee). Access to the free Intensive is available to Users for a limited period of time. In current Public Offer the term «Course» covers both: either the Course as defined in clause this sub-section or the Intensive.
«Personal Account» means a set of secure pages on the Site, created as a result of the User's registration on the Site, through which the User has the ability to use the functions of the Site to the extent and under the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Access to the Personal Account is made by using the credentials (login and password) of the User after their registration on the Site. Legally significant actions, made by the User through his Personal Account, are made with his simple electronic signature, where the identifier and key of the electronic signature are his authentication data.
«Registration» means the User's actions to fill out and send the registration form published on the Site, which, if the Contractor has no objections to the User's registration, will entail the creation of the User's Personal Account with the assignment of a login and password.
«Platform» means the Contractor's multimedia product «Mindful Line» that is available on the Internet at: https://mindfulline.com, as well as in the Personal Account on the educational platform AXL, as well as in groups, chat rooms in social networks, created by the Contractor in order to ensure the functioning and development of the multimedia product, and for the purpose of proper performance of services in accordance with the Agreement , consisting of the aggregate of educational materials of courses/webinars of the Contractor presented in an objective form, information of informational and advertising about the Courses/Webinars, including textual, photographic and audiovisual materials, feedback and results of Users, as well as other information connected with the functioning and development of the multimedia product of the Contractor.
«User» means a legally capable person who has signed an Agreement with the Contractor, unless otherwise agreed upon with the Contractor additionally. For the avoidance of doubt, the person who has entered into the Agreement is the person who has access to Personal Account and has paid for access to the Course.
«Software» means a browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome and similar) for accessing information resources located on the Internet, other programs for processing the information provided, through which the User can access the materials of the relevant Course/Webinar. Access to Courses/Webinars may also be provided through the use of the User's Chatium app for distance studying. The Contractor agrees to ensure the availability of the software on his personal computer.
«Website» means «Website» means a set of programs for electronic computers and other information providing access to the Contractor's multimedia product «Mindful Line», via the «Internet» within the domain zone https://mindfulline.com
«Certificate» means a document in a format specified by the Contractor which is issued to the User on completion of the Course and which contains the result of completion of the Course by the User.
«Parties» means the User and the Contractor.
«Services» (hereinafter referred to as «Service») means the provision by the Contractor of remote access to the content of the Course/Webinar to the User and training of the User (in accordance with the subject matter, the Course program and the rate selected by the User when paying for the Course), through video tutorials and group live feedback broadcasts on questions of Course Users in the educational platform AXL, provision of information products, as well as providing video recordings of these broadcasts as access for viewing them in AXL Personal Account, educational materials in the form of presentations, checklists in pdf-file format, audio-casts in the form of links for listening to them and other types of content, which may be changed and be added during the Course; or providing the User with remote access to the content of the Webinar by making it available for viewing by the User through the educational platform AXL for the period that is set by the Site. Providing access to chats is a bonus from the Contractor for Users, the Contractor is entitled to remove the User from one or all chats without the right to restore for violations of the Agreement and (or) the Rules of the chat published by the Contractor in the relevant chat, thus, such removal will not be a breach of the Agreement by the Contractor and is not considered as a restriction of User access to the Services.


3.1. The Contractor agrees to provide the User remote access to the Course and (or) the content of the Webinar in accordance with the subject matter of the Course / Webinar, the Course program and the tariff selected by the User when paying for the Course (access to the relevant part of the Platform) via the «Internet», and the User agrees to pay the Contractor for the provided access.
3.2. The Contractor publishes a list of Courses/Webinars available for completion on the Website. Information about the program, potential and desired results of the Course, Course rates, cost, duration, period of access to the Webinar is available to the User on the page of the selected Course/Webinar on the Website.
3.3. Upon User's written request sent to the Provider's e-mail address support@mindfulline.info, the Provider shall send the User detailed information about the Course/Webinar to the User's e-mail address indicated in the User's Personal Account.
3.4. The Service is considered to be provided by the Contractor from the moment of the actual provision of access to the Course/Webinar to the User.
3.5. User may use the Website, i.e. receive and process the information posted on the Website for personal, noncommercial use, including for the purposes of entering into agreements with the Administration.
3.6. The algorithms of the Website and its source codes (including their parts) are the objects of intellectual property and Commercially Confidential of the Administration. Any use of them or use of the Website in violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement is considered as a violation of the Administration's rights.
3.7. The Administration has established a restriction on the purchase of courses / webinars for persons who are not adult or are not fully capable
3.8. Due to the fact that the Platform is a multimedia product designed to acquire knowledge, skills, etc. through the process of self-study through interaction with the Platform, the information provided on the Platform is educational and if the User completes the Course (if it is provided in the Course description), the User is considered to have completed the educational program. Upon completion of the Course the User is issued a Certificate.
3.9. The service is limited by providing the User with information and building skills to use it by him/herself.


4.1. User registration is required to access the Course/Webinar. After registration the User is given a Personal Account and access to the Personal Account. After the registration of the User on the Site it is necessary to confirm the e-mail address specified by the User during Registration to receive notifications from the Contractor. In order to confirm the e-mail address of the User, the User must click «Confirm» in «My Account/Basic» in the User's Personal Account and follow the link provided in the e-mail sent by the Contractor to the e-mail address specified by the User during Registration, or follow the link in the activation letter.
4.2. The credentials of the User are login that is his e-mail address, password that is a combination of different characters, numbers, upper- and lower-case letters at the User's discretion. In the future the User can change the password himself manually.
4.3. One User can register on the Website once. This creates his unique Personal Account and assigns him credentials. Double registration, or creation of more than one Personal Account, shall be considered as a violation of the terms of the Agreement.
4.4. The user is self-responsible for the security (guessing immunity) of his chosen means of access to the Personal Account, as well as to ensure its own confidentiality.
4.5. The User is self-responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the functionality of the Website under the User's Personal Account. The User undertakes not to transfer the data for access to the User's Personal Account to triparty.


5.1. The Contractor shall provide Services under the Agreement in accordance with the Course/Webinar selected by the User.
5.2. Access to the Services under the Agreement shall be provided by the Contractor to the User as follows:
5.2.1. Providing the User access to the Course/Webinar means ensuring the accessibility of the Course/Webinar materials to the User on the Platform by the Contractor.
5.2.2. The Contractor shall provide the User access to the Course/Webinar only after the User has registered in accordance with the procedure specified in section 4 of the Agreement and has paid the cost of access to the Course/Webinar in accordance with the procedure specified in section 8 of the Agreement.
5.2.3. Access to the Course/Webinar shall be available in the User's Personal Account automatically after the User has fulfilled the provision of clause 5.2.3 of the Agreement within 48 (forty-eight) hours upon payment for the Course/Webinar. The User will receive a notification to the e-mail specified during Registration.
5.3. The performance of the obligation to provide the Service is the fact of providing access to the Course/Webinar, regardless of whether the User has participated in the Webinar, or whether the User has completed the Course in whole or in part. The use of the materials of the Course/Webinar by the User, provided the proper access to them by the Contractor, is under the self-responsibility of the User.
5.4. If the User has provided incorrect personal information to the Contractor while registering and/or applying for a Course/Webinar, or if the User has failed to read the notifications sent to the User's e-mail address shown in Personal Account, messenger chats to which the User had access by paying for the Course (if the Course program provides such access), the Contractor shall not be responsible for the User's failure to get access to the educational materials of the Course / the content of the Webinar and the announcement of the live broadcasts conducted by the expert on the questions of the students of the Course. The Contractor does not refund the money paid by the User in payment for the Services.
5.5. If the User did not participate in the studying and did not get acquainted with the educational materials during the period of access to the Course/Webinar through his own fault, the obligations of the Contactor to provide such Service shall be considered as fulfilled in full and on time, when such Service should have been provided. The Contractor does not refund the money paid by the User in payment for the Services.
5.6. Services under the Agreement are considered to be rendered by the Contractor duly in terms of the quality, quantity, terms of rendering Services and accepted by the User without complaint if within three (3) calendar days upon expiration of the period of the Services the User has not sent to the e-mail support@mindfulline.info written substantiated objections on the quality, quantity, terms of rendering Services. Substantiated objections of the User shall be considered by the Contractor within three (3) calendar days from the date of their receipt. Based on the results of the consideration by the Contractor, a decision on the User's claims in accordance with the rights granted to the User under current legislation of Cyprus.
5.7. The content of the Course/Webinar may be changed unilaterally by the Contractor by increasing or modifying the amount of information in the Course/Webinar.
5.8. The Contractor agrees to ensure the acceptance of the User's project work, if such work is provided for by the Course and only within the recommended time of the Course.
5.9. If the Course program provides access to live recorded information (Webinars), the Contractor has the right to change and reschedule access to such information by notifying the User about such changes in Personal Account.
5.10. During holidays the frequency of Webinars is adjusted, the current Webinar can be moved to the next working days.
5.11. Due to circumstances beyond the Contractor’s control, the current webinar can be delayed by the Contractor for the duration of such circumstances, about which the User is immediately notified by the messenger and (or) in the Personal Account and (or) in the message by e-mail to the User, whose address is specified in the Personal Account, as well as by other means of communication. Rescheduling the date of the event / start of training, etc. is not equated to the absence or incomplete provision of the Services by the Contractor.
5.12. The Contractor during the providing the Services does not give the User one-to-one advice on the content and completion of the Course/Webinar, except for providing additional information in accordance with clause 3.3 of the Agreement.


6.1. No certificates are issued upon completion of the individual courses.


7.1. The Contractor is obliged to:
7.1.1. Provide the User with access to the Course/Context of the Webinar within the Platform according to the Course tariff (plan) selected by the User upon confirmation of the payment.
7.1.2. In the case of detection of errors / defects in the technological part of the Platform and (or) Website, committed by the Contractor or through the fault of the Contractor, the Contractor shall eliminate the detected errors / defects at its expense and using its own resources within a reasonable period, the duration of which is determined by the Contractor itself, with due regard for the specific circumstances.
7.1.3. Not to disclose information about the User's personal data without their consent and to process them exclusively for the purpose of performing their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of the Agreement, the Personal Data Processing Policy that is available at: https://mindfulline.com/privacypolicy
7.1.4. The Administration is obliged to take all actions in its power to ensure smooth operation of the Website, but she is not responsible for any interruptions in its operation (including failures, preventive maintenance), for lack of quality or speed of data, for full or partial loss of any data posted on the Website, or for causing any other damages that are or may arise from the use of the Website through no fault of the Administration.
7.2. The Contractor has the right to:
7.2.1. Require the User to perform its obligations under the Agreement in good faith and to treat with respect as the other participants of the Course as the Contractor personally.
7.2.2. Engage third parties to perform this Agreement without the User's consent, remaining responsible for the actions of such persons as his own.
7.2.3. Change the terms and conditions of the Agreement unilaterally, without prior Agreement with the User, while ensuring the publication of the amended terms on the Website at least one day before they introduce into effect.
7.2.4. Unilaterally amend the schedule of publishing educational materials, feedback on homework and other consultations, without changing the established frequency of their conduct, as well as to change and supplement the content of lessons and tasks for the User. Information about such changes is available to the User in his Personal Account.
7.2.5. Unilaterally amend the cost of the Services. Information about the current cost of the Services is available to the User on the Website on the page of the particular Course/Webinar. The cost of the Services shall not be changed in case of the Course/Webinar has already been paid for by the User.
7.2.6. Suspend the Platform for necessary scheduled preventive maintenance and repair work.
7.2.7. Suspend access to the Platform, remove the User from the chat room(s) without the right to restore it in case the User violates the Agreement, the rules of the chat room or in case the User fails to provide all necessary information, or provides incomplete or unreliable information, necessary to provide the Services under the Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Cyprus until the User eliminates the violations. Regarding the chat rooms, the Contractor may remove the User for violations, not only from the chat room related to a particular Course/Webinar, but also from other chat rooms as a preventive measure to prevent the User from committing new violations.
7.2.8. Unilaterally terminate the Agreement in case of a material breach of the terms and conditions of the Agreement by the User. In this case, the funds paid by the User under the Agreement shall not be returned and shall be a forfeit penalty for the User's actions. A material breach of the Agreement means any violation of the copyrights, including a single violation by the User of clause 6.3.7 of the Agreement. At the discretion of the Contractor, depending on the nature of the violation, any violation by the User of the rules established by clauses 6.3.4. 6.3.4. to 6.3.12. of the Agreement, committed once and/or more than twice can be considered as a material breach of the Agreement.
7.2.9. Provide the Users with access to free Intensives for a limited period of time, if the availability of such intensives is provided by the Website during this period, according as that access to the free intensive is provided to one User only once.
7.2.10. Publish on the Website and in the Contactor's social networks, connected with the functioning of the Platform, feedback and works of the Users, which are published by the Users in chats, messages/comments in social networks. No additional written or verbal consent of the User is required for the Contractor to publish previously published feedback on the Website and the Contractor's social networks.
7.2.11. In case of violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Administration has the right to suspend, limit or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections of the Website. The Administration may remove the User from the chats of a particular Course / Webinar and from other chat rooms for violations of the Agreement, the rules of the chat room to prevent the commission of new violations by the User.
7.2.12. Administration has the right to set any restrictions on the use of the Website, change this Agreement unilaterally at any time by publishing a new version of the Agreement on the Website without obtaining the User's consent.
7.2.13. Administration has the right to share reviews and works of Users, which are posted by Users in chats, messages/comments in social networks on the Website and social networks of the Administration, related to the functioning of the Website. No additional written or verbal consent of the User to the placement by the Administration of previously published feedback on the Website and social networks of the Administration is required.
7.3. The User is obliged to:
7.3.1. Independently familiarize themselves on the Website with the information about the name, plans of study, tariffs of courses, content, cost, duration of Webinars, period of access to Webinars.
7.3.2. Have a personal computer, smart phone or other portable (mobile) device with network access (Internet), equipped with headphones and microphone, as well as with installed software, necessary and sufficient to receive the purchased Service through the Platform.
7.3.3. To follow the established schedule of the educational program, the goals and the meaning of the Contractor's tasks, to comply with the deadlines for homework (if the implementation of such is provided by the Course program), to meet the recommendations and requirements of the Contractor in the provision of Services under the Agreement.
7.3.4. Pay for the Services under the Agreement before providing access to the Course/Webinar, as well as comply with the payment schedule in accordance with the installment payment plan, if the installment payment has been arranged by the User. In the case of a delay of payment, the User's access to the educational materials shall be restricted until the next installment payment according to the installment payment plan is made. The User is notified that in case of a delay in the installment payment plan, the Contractor shall have the right to restrict further access to the Services for the User who is in arrears.
7.3.5. To provide the Contractor with relevant and reliable information necessary to provide the User with information and educational materials, as well as for operational communication for provision of services the Services under the Agreement, viz.: full name, valid e-mail address, contact phone number, as well as not to unsubscribe from the notifications and newsletters sent by the Contractor.
7.3.6. To observe the rules of conduct on live broadcasts, in chats, in comments, not to allow disrespectful statements and insults to other participants of the educational program, the Contractor, not to allow aggressive behavior, obscene language, publication of obscene content.
7.3.7. The User is prohibited from publishing or voicing messages aimed at gaining profit or other personal benefit, including the publication of advertising messages.
7.3.8. The User is not allowed to flood chats, comments with messages that are not related to the content of the Courses / Webinars and the Platform as a whole, it is also forbidden to mention activities, teachers that are not related to the Contractor and the services it provides.
7.3.9. Not to record, not to distribute, as well as not to publish, and not to place on websites, not to copy, not to transfer or not to resell to third parties, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, the information and materials provided by the Contractor to the User under the Agreement , not to create information products for commercial profit on its basis, and use this information in any other way than for personal use, except as agreed in written permission with the Contractor with required attribution. Commercial use of Course materials is strictly prohibited. Commercial use of the Webinars, courses and master classes: "Ownership Reclaiming Algorithm", "Algorithm for Removing Limitations", "Algorithm for Revealing Intentions", "Corridor of Favorable Events", "Neurogrpahics Workshop", "Wealth Code Course", "Neurographics Essentials", "Specialist", "NeuroModeling course", "NeuroHealing course", "NeuroMandala course", "NeuroComposition", "Relationships", "Sacral Neurographics", "NeuroColor", "Shadows: The Source of Power", "Life Purpose", "NeuroTree of Abundance", "Mother's Blessing", "Mandala of Ancestors", "Past Life Resources", "Shamanic Rain", "Place of Power", "Cherished Wish", "NeuroPortrait", "Transition to the New Year", "Star of Gratitude", "Inner Child", "Time Line", "Harmonious Relationships", "Desire Activator", "NeuroLotus", "Key to Dream" is strictly prohibited. Use for commercial purposes of materials of Webinars, courses and master classes is allowed only if the user has a certificate of «Instructor» course.
7.3.10. not to share with third parties and ensure the confidentiality of login and password for access to the Personal Account, and to ensure the confidentiality of links for viewing recordings of webinars, the confidentiality of any educational materials received from the Contractor under the Agreement.
7.3.11. Not to modify in any way the software part of the Website by means of which the Services are provided, not to perform any actions aimed at changing the functioning and operability of the Website.
7.3.12. Do not publish on the Website personal data of third parties without their consent, in particular, but not as a limitation thereof: full names, home addresses, phone numbers, passport data, e-mail addresses.
7.3.13. Not to place commercial advertisements, commercial offers, promotional information and any other intrusive information on the Website, in chats of Webinar rooms, as well as in social networks, access to which is provided to the User by the Contractor in order to perform the obligations under the Agreement, except when the placement of such information is agreed in writing permisson with the Contractor.
7.3.14. Not to perform actions aimed at gaining access to someone else's Personal Account through username and password spoofing, hacking or other similar actions.
7.3.15. User is not allowed to flood chats, comments with messages that in their content are not related to the courses / webinars, and is also forbidden to mention activities, lecturers that are not related to the Administration.
7.4. The User has the right to:
7.4.1. Demand proper performance by the Contractor of his obligations under the Contract.
7.4.2. Request information on any issues related to the organization of performance of the Services under this Agreement.
7.4.3. Apply for an installment payment for the Services in the Contractor's partner bank, assuming payment of the cost of the Contractor's Services in equal installments (unless otherwise provided by the terms and conditions of the installment payment), in accordance with the payment schedule established by the terms and conditions of the installment payment.


8.1. The Services under this Agreement shall be provided according to the date specified on the Website on the corresponding page of the Course/Webinar, but not before the moment of payment by the User for the Services under the Agreement.
8.2. Access to the educational materials of the Course/Webinar shall be retained by the User according to the access period specified on the page of the Course/Webinar on the Website.


9.1. The cost of the Services is specified on the Website on the page of the relevant Course/Webinar and may be changed by the Contractor at any time in accordance with clause 6.2.5 of the Agreement. The cost of the Services towards the already paid access to the Course/Webinar by the User shall not be changed.
9.2. The user must pay for the Services in the amount of 100% prepayment before the start of the course.
9.3. Payment for the Service by the User is made by bank transfer, in cash at any bank office, through payment systems, e-money and other ways that are offered by the Contractor on the Website in the relevant section on payment for the Course / Webinar.
9.4. The moment of payment is considered to be the receipt of funds to the account of the Contractor.
9.5. When paying for the Services on the Website or on the basis of the notification received to the e-mail, the User is automatically redirected to the page of the payment acceptance system to make a payment.
The Contractor does not control the hardware and software of the electronic payment system. If as a result of such errors the User's funds have been debited, but the payment has not been authorized by the electronic payment system, the provider of the electronic payment system shall be obliged to return the funds to the User.
9.6. The User has the right to pay for the Contractor's Services by installment payments, which are provided to the User by the Contractor's partner bank. The installment payment is provided to the User on the terms and conditions specified by the partner bank. The Contractor is not responsible for the terms and conditions of the partner bank's provision of the User with the installment payment, as well as for the refusal of the partner bank to provide the installment payment.
9.7. Fiscal documents are sent in electronic form to the User's e-mail specified when registering on the Website, if the sending of such documents is provided by the current legislation of the Cyprus.


10.1. Refund is possible until the Parties perform their obligations under the Agreement.
10.2. With regard to the Services for the face-to-face («live») trainings and seminars the rule of return specified in paragraph 10.1. does not apply, and the refund at the request of the User is not made, because for the provision of such Services the Provider incurs costs associated with the payment of certain amounts of money to organizers and other third parties before the start of the relevant event.
10.3. In cases where the law of the Cyprus provides User with another possibility to legally claim a refund, then a full or partial refund of money paid by User is made by the Contractor by the written application of User (a scan copy) or an electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature sent to the Contractor's e-mail address: support@mindfulline.info.
10.4. Refunds are made to the Contractor after deduction of the Contractor's expenses actually incurred to support the Platform at the time of receipt of the application for refund.
Actual expenses incurred by the Contractor at the time of receipt of the application for a refund in particular, but not as a limitation thereof:
- commissions of banking, credit organizations and relevant payment systems for making refunds;
- payment for the invited speakers;
- Rental fees for the AXL educational platform and the platform for live and (or) com events, etc.
The specific amount of actual expenses for each case is determined by the Contractor independently, but cannot be less than 50% (fifty percent) of the cost of the Services.
10.5. The refund amount is determined as follows:
10.5.1. If the User cancels the course for any reason no later than before the second practical lesson after the start of the Course, the Contractor shall refund the full amount of paid by the User.
10.5.2. If the User cancels the course after the second practical lesson, the refund is made with the deduction of the cost of the lessons that were actually accessed and have the status of «viewed» according to the CRM information.
10.5.3. If the Course User cancels the Course after completing the last Practical Lesson, the Provider shall refund 0% (zero percent) of the Course cost, withholding the remaining amount as a compensation for the support of the Platform.
10.5.4. In case of payment for the Services by installment payments, the Contractor shall refund only the cost of the Services in the appropriate amount, less the actual expenses incurred, and shall not refund the interest/expenses incurred by the User under the terms and conditions of the Agreement with a partner bank or third parties - agents. Thereby the funds shall be refunded to the current account specified by the User.
10.6. All application requests for refunds are accepted in the Contractor's e-mail: support@mindfulline.info.
10.7. The decision to refund or refuse to refund shall be made by the Contractor within ten (10) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant application of the User.
10.8. Not later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of the decision to refund in accordance with clause. 9.7. of the Agreement the Contractor shall refund to the User in the appropriate amount to the banking details specified by him in the Application or, if the details are not specified, to the details from which the funds were received when paying for the Services.
10.9. If the application for a refund is satisfied, access to the educational materials for the User shall be terminated within one (1) business day from the date the Contractor sends the decision on the refund to the User.


11.1. In case of violation of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Cyprus.
11.2. The Contractor shall not be liable for the impossibility to provide the Services to the User for reasons outside of the Contractor's control: unreliability of the personal data entered by the User when applying for a Course/Webinar, malfunction of the Internet, hardware or software by the User, failure of e-mail services, including getting into the spam folder of the Contractor's e-mails , as well as in case of blocking Contractor's e-mails, the User's unsubscription from the notifications of the Contractor. In this case, the Services are considered to be properly rendered and payable in full.
11.3. No information, materials, educational video lessons and/or events provided by the Contractor within the Services under the Agreement can be considered as a guarantee of achieving the result, as it fully depends on the actions of the User, his personal qualities, quality and speed of learning/knowledge deepening received from the Contractor and bona fide intentions of using the information provided by the Contractor.
11.4. Making decisions based on all information provided by the Contractor, including information on the recovery of physical mental health, is under the self-responsibility of the User. User assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of information and materials provided by the Contractor in the performance of User’s obligations under this Agreement.
11.5. The aggregate liability of the Contractor under the Agreement for any claim or claim letter regarding to the Agreement or its performance is limited to the amount of the payment paid to the Contractor by the User. In this case from the Contractor only direct damages can be compensated. Lost profits cannot be compensated.
11.6. In case of violation by the User of clause 7.3.7 of the Agreement and revealing the fact of violation of copyright of the Contractor, the User shall pay a fine of 1,000,000 (one million) rubles extrajudicially at the written request of the Contractor.
11.7. In case of violation of the clause 7.3.8. of the Agreement and the Contractor reveals access of third parties to the contents of the Course, the User is obliged to pay a fine of 1 000 000 (one million) rubles for each case of unauthorized access of third parties in an extrajudicial procedure upon written request of the Contractor.
11.8. If the User violates clause 7.3.11 of the Agreement, the User shall pay a fine of one hundred fifty (150) euro for each fact of placing commercial advertisements, commercial offers, promotional information and any other intrusive information without the written consent of the Contractor in an extrajudicial procedure upon written request of the Contractor.


12.1. The Parties may be released from their obligations under this Agreement for the period in which the performance of their obligations becomes impossible in whole or in part due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, which include any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Party claiming force majeure, including but not limited to: hostilities, insurrection, revolution, terrorist act, nuclear explosion, natural disasters, epidemics, epizootics.
12.2. The proper proof of the presence of the above force majeure circumstances and their duration is a certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in which state such circumstances occurred.
12.3. The User which is under the Contract, in case of force majeure circumstances, shall immediately notify the Contractor at the following e-mail address: support@mindfulline.info. The Contractor shall notify the User of the occurrence of force majeure at the e-mail address of the User specified in the Personal Account.
Such notification must contain information on the nature of the force majeure circumstances and their estimated duration and an assessment of their impact on the Applicant Party's ability to perform its obligations under the Agreement.
12.4. non-notification or delayed notification of force majeure circumstance deprives the Party concerned of the possibility to refer to them in the future.
12.5. The period of performance the obligations under the Agreement shall be extended in proportion to the time during which the force majeure circumstances and their consequences were in effect.
12.6. Upon termination of the consequences of force majeure circumstances the Party referring to them shall be obliged to notify the other Party about their termination in writing as soon as possible, but in any case, not later than 3 (three) calendar days from their termination.
If the Party invoking a Force Majeure circumstance has not notified the other Party or has notified it of their occurrence or termination of their consequences belatedly, it shall be liable for any additional damages caused by the non-providing or untimely provision of such notice to the other Party.
12.7. If force majeure circumstances or their consequences continue for more than 1 (one) month in a row, or if there are reasonable cause to assume that they will last more than 1 (one) month in a row, or if a force majeure circumstance is a displacing the law the law, the Parties agree to negotiate immediately in order to come to an Agreement to make such changes in the Agreement as the Parties need to continue to perform their obligations under the Agreement in the way, to the maximum extent possible, as close as possible to that provided at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement . If no such decision is reached within ten (10) calendar days of the start date of negotiations, either Party may unilaterally extrajudicially withdraw from the Agreement by giving written notice to the other Party at the e-mail address specified in clause 11.3. of the Agreement.


The User gives his consent to the Contractor to the processing of personal data of the User specified by him during the Registration, as well as in the Personal Account on the conditions stipulated by the Personal Data Processing Policy, available at: https://mindfulline.com/privacypolicy
13.2. Processing of the User's personal data is carried out for the purpose of performance of the Contractor's obligations under the Agreement.
13.3. The Contractor shall process the User's personal data using the Website and the Platform.
13.4. The User may withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending the Contractor a written application to the e-mail: support@mindfulline.info.
In this case, the User understands and acknowledges that the withdrawal to the processing of personal data may require the removal of any information relating to the participation of the User in the educational program, including the removal of the User's Personal Account and termination of access to the materials of the purchased Course/Webinar.
13.5. The User agrees to receive SMS messages from the Contractor, as well as other types of newsletters and notifications of informational nature (verbal and written), using any means of communication, including but not limited to the following: e-mail, phone, mailings.
This consent may be withdrawn at any time by the User by sending a written request to the Contractor's e-mail address support@mindfulline.info, allow for the fact that this consent is necessary for the correct performance of the Agreement by the Contractor and for the correct functioning of the Platform.
In case of withdrawal of consent under this clause, the Contractor has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally (extrajudicially) or to restrict access to the User's Personal Account and previously provided materials of the Course / Webinar.
13.6. The User agrees to receive text messages from the Contractor, as well as other types of mailings and notifications of advertising (verbal and written) using any means of communication, including but not limited to the following: e-mail, phone, mailings, messages in messengers. This consent may be withdrawn by the User at any time by sending a written request to the e-mail of the Contractor support@mindfulline.info.
13.7. The User gives his consent to the use of the User's feedback about the Contractor and its Services, left by the User in the Contractor's official groups in social networks, in order to place such feedback within the Website and (or) the Platform, including social networks. This consent shall be valid from the date of the Agreement. This consent may be withdrawn by the User at any time by sending a written request to the e-mail of the Contractor support@mindfulline.info.
13.8. The User gives his consent to the Contractor to use his image as a photo of the User (user pic) on a free-of-charge base and also to use this image on the Contractor's website, the Platform and in social networks, in information and advertising materials of the Contractor and for any other purposes related to the Contractor and noncontradictory to the law. This consent is valid from the date of the Agreement and can be revoked by the User at any time by sending a written application about it to the e-mail of the Contractor support@mindfulline.info.
13.9. Other conditions connected with processing of personal data of the User are reflected in the Policy of processing of personal data and their confidentiality, permanently published on the Website at: https://mindfulline.com/privacypolicy


14.1. Course/Webinar materials contain the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Contractor, its affiliates and other related parties, representatives, all other persons acting on behalf of the Contractor.
14.2. By using Course/Webinar materials, the User acknowledges and agrees that all content of the Platform, including social media, and the structure of its content is protected by copyright, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, in all media and with respect to all technologies, whether currently existing or later developed or created.
No rights to any Course/Webinars content, including but not limited to audiovisual works, text and graphic materials, computer programs, trademarks are transferred to the User as a result of using the site and entering into the Agreement.
14.3. When citing the Contractor's materials, the User is obliged to provide a link to the Contractor and to the Contractor's multimedia product «Mindful Line».
14.4. The User is obliged to:
14.4.1. To abstain from any actions that violate the rights of the Contractor on the results of intellectual activity, in particular, not to copy, not to record, not to reproduce, not to distribute any results of intellectual activity of the Contractor, not to provide access to the Personal Account without the written permission of the Contractor, not to change the Website and Personal Account in any way, not to study the technology, to decompile or disassemble the Website and Personal Account, except as expressly provided by the current legislation of the Cyprus.
14.4.2. to immediately inform the Contractor of any known facts of violation of the Contractor's exclusive copyright rights.
14.4.3. not to provide his authentication data for access to the Personal Account to third parties.
14.4.4. In case of loss or illegal access to the Personal Account by third parties the User shall immediately notify the Contractor by sending a notification to: support@mindfulline.info. Until the moment of sending the notification, all actions performed using the User's Personal Account shall be deemed to have been performed by the User by himself.


15.1. The Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its acceptance by the User and shall remain in force until the Parties have completely performed their obligations.
15.2. The Agreement may be amended or terminated on the grounds stipulated by the legislation of the Cyprus and this Agreement.


16.1. In the case of any disagreements and/or disputes arising between the Parties in connection with or during the performance of this Agreement, the Parties shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of written notice from one Party to the other Party, take the necessary measures and conduct negotiations to settle such disputes.
16.2. The pre-trial procedure for settling a dispute shall be considered observed even if one of the Parties has sent a written claim to the other Party, but has not received a response to it within thirty (30) calendar days of its receipt by the other Party or received a refusal to meet the claim in whole or in part within the above period.
The claim letter from the Contractor shall be sent to the e-mail address specified in the User's Personal Account.
The claim letter from the User to the Contractor shall be sent to the following e-mail address: support@mindfulline.info
16.3. If no Agreement on a dispute is reached after 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim by the other Party, the concerned Party shall have the right to refer the dispute to the court in the procedure specified by the current procedural legislation of the Cyprus and these Agreement.


17.1. The Agreement may be amended by the Administration without any special notification, the new version of the Agreement comes into effect from the moment of its posting on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise is provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is always available at https://mindfulline.com.


18.1. Access to the Website is provided to the User on an "AS IS" basis in accordance with the internationally generally used practice, i.e. without providing any guarantees of any kind (direct and indirect) by the Administration, in particular that:
a. without providing any guarantees that the main features and quality of the Courses/Webinars will meet the requirements and expectations of the User, and access to them will be provided quickly, uninterruptible, reliably and error-free;
b. without providing any guarantees that any errors or defects in the operation of the Website will be fixed;
c. without providing any guarantees that the software of the Website will be fully compatible with the software used by the User and will run smoothly on any hardware used by the User.


19.1. The invalidity of one of the terms and conditions of the Agreement does not invalidate the entire Agreement. In case of invalidation of a terms and conditions of the Agreement, the parties are obliged to enter into negotiations and change the Agreement so that it would continue in force (if necessary).
19.2. The Parties acknowledge that all notices, communications, Agreement s, documents and letters sent using the Authorized e-mail addresses and Personal Account shall be deemed to have been sent and signed by the Parties, except where not expressly stated to the contrary in such letters.
Authorized e-mail addresses of the Parties shall be: for the Contractor: support@mindfulline.info, for the User: the e-mail address specified in the Personal Account.
19.3. The parties have agreed that when electronic documents are exchanged, the subsequent exchange of original documents shall be carried out at the first request of the interested party.
19.4. By accepting this Public Offer the User acknowledges that the name «Mindful Line» does not mislead him about the information about the Contractor. The User is informed that the educational services are provided by NEUROART LTD. (T.I.C. 10433947S) Educational services are provided by Neuroart LTD.
19.5. In all other matters not regulated by the Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of the Cyprus.
19.6. The User signs this Agreement on ex gratia basis, whereby the User:
- Is fully acquainted with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
- Fully understands the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
- Fully understands the meaning and consequences of his actions in relation to the conclusion and performance of the Agreement;
- Guarantees that the information provided by him/her, is complete, correct and true;
- Guarantees that the provision of information does not violate the current legislation of the Cyprus, the legitimate rights and interests of third parties;
- Guarantees that all information provided on the Website is filled by the User personally, all actions for Registration are performed directly by the User.

Neuroart Limited @2024  Privacy Policy - Terms And Conditions

28 Octovriou 279, block 1, Office 303
Limassol, Cyprus, 3035

Privacy Policy
Terms And Conditions

Neuroart Limited @2024

28 Octovriou 279, block 1, Office 303
Limassol, Cyprus, 3035