Before participating in this affiliate program, you must read the following terms of service and click "I Agree" at the bottom of the page.

Affiliate Agreement

Mindful Line may offer you an opportunity to become an independent Mindful Line Affiliate (“Affiliate”), wherein you have the opportunity to earn additional money for the Neurographics Workshop that you sell. Mindful Line reserves the sole and exclusive right to determine the amount of remuneration each Affiliate will receive in exchange for the Affiliate’s efforts. Affiliate commission is further discussed herein. See also the Mindful Line Terms and Conditions, which apply to you in your role as Affiliate, unless otherwise expressly provided for.

This Affiliate Agreement (“Agreement”) governs Your application for, and any subsequent participation in, Mindful Line’ Affiliate program. By clicking “Sign Up” or any other submittable button, You thereby accept the terms of this Agreement, You indicate that You have read and understood this Agreement, and agree that You are bound by its terms.

All references to “Mindful Line” herein means and refers to Neuroart Limited. All references to “You” and “Your” mean and refer to the person or entity who has executed this Agreement. Mindful Line and You are each referred to herein as a “Party,” and collectively as the “Parties.” You agree to notify us in writing if the account ownership changes within twenty-four (24) hours of such change and You certify that all such information is truthful and accurate. Notice of such changes should be sent to

You agree to provide all information requested by Mindful Line in connection with Your Affiliate application and/or Your continued participation as a Mindful Line Affiliate, and You affirm that all information that You provide is truthful, accurate, and complete (without omission).

You expressly consent to be contacted at the email address You provide in Your application about Your application and the Affiliate program, including through automated dialing systems, artificial or pre-recorded messages by Mindful Line. This consent is a material condition of this Agreement and may not be revoked except in writing by both Parties. You understand and agree that the foregoing method is the only reasonable method of opting out. You further agree that any other method of opting-out is not a reasonable means of opting out.

When Your application to become an Affiliate is approved by Mindful Line, You will receive an email with a unique Affiliate URL which You will use to advertise Mindful Line. You will have the opportunity to receive a commission for each sale of the Neurographics Workshop by Mindful Line (“Sale”) that is registered using Your Affiliate URL. Please, note that other Mindful Line products are not part of the affiliate program.

In the event that a prospect (“Prospect”) has multiple Affiliate cookies (“Cookies”), the most recently-acquired Cookie will determine which Affiliate is credited with a Sale. Mindful Line shall have the sole and exclusive authority to deny and/or revoke a Commission or Commissions based on affiliate-hopping or other action that creates multiple commissions for one true transaction, which shall be determined at the sole discretion of Mindful Line.

You will be paid a commission for each sale of the Neurographics Workshop by Mindful Line in a month (“Commission”). Except as otherwise provided herein, Commissions will be calculated and sent via email on the 30th of each month. Commission payments will be processed within five (5) business days after the email notification. In the event the 30th of each month falls on a holiday, Commission email notifications will be sent on the business day preceding the holiday. All Commission payments are based on the amount of fees received by Mindful Line, less sales taxes.

The amount of Commissions for promoting the Neurographics Workshop by Mindful Line is a 30% Commission on all Sales that are directly attached to your Affiliate URL, as set forth in this Agreement.

In no event shall one Sale result in Commissions for more than one affiliate. If any one person or entity is found to be operating multiple affiliate accounts, such person or entity will be immediately removed from the affiliate program, and will forfeit any and all Commissions gained as a result of such behavior.

All Commissions are paid in U.S. Dollars (USD) or otherwise in currencies offered by the payment provider. Some payment methods may incur processing fees that may be deducted from Your Commissions. Your combined Commissions must equal or exceed Fifty/50 Dollars ($50.00) (USD) before You receive a payment from Mindful Line.

All payments will be made to the PayPal account provided by the Affiliate. Once a Commission of $50 (USD) or more is earned, You are required to confirm Your PayPal account to receive the commission.

Affiliates will not be paid any Commissions for payments made on Affiliate’s own user account(s). Affiliates are not permitted to open a Mindful Line account under the name of another person or entity, under a fictitious name, or under any name merely for the purpose of obtaining Commissions or any other compensation. Affiliates may not pay for another person’s or entity’s account. Affiliates are not permitted to offer cash rebates or other monetary incentives to obtain Sales. Furthermore, You are not permitted to have more than one (1) Mindful Line Affiliate account. If You are found to have more than one (1) Mindful Line Affiliate account, Your accounts will be terminated and all Commissions pending payout will be immediately forfeited by You to Mindful Line.

Commissions are paid only for transactions that actually occur between Mindful Line and a Sale and in which payment is received by Mindful Line. If payment for a Sale later results in a refund or chargeback, and if a Commission was paid to You for that Sale payment, then the Commission will be deducted from Your future Commissions.

If Mindful Line determines, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that any Sale was procured fraudulently or as a result of any violation of this Agreement or applicable law, no Commission will be earned by You or paid by Mindful Line for such Sale and, for past sales, such payment amounts shall be deducted from Your future Commissions, and Mindful Line may terminate this Agreement immediately, without notice, and without Mindful Line having any liability to You.

The terms of this Agreement will begin when You click “I accept the Terms and Conditions” and submit. Your participation in the Mindful Line Affiliate program will continue month-to-month until terminated. If, in our sole discretion, You fail, or we suspect that You have failed, to comply with any term or provision of the Agreement or the Terms and Conditions, or violated any law, whether in connection with Your use of Mindful Line or otherwise, Mindful Line may take any action that it deems necessary, including without limitation to terminating the Agreement or suspending Your access to the Affiliate website (“Website”) at any time without notice to You. In the event this Agreement is canceled due to Your breach, You immediately forfeit all Commissions and any other payments owed to You or that may in the future be owed to You without any further liability by Mindful Line to You. This Agreement will terminate automatically if You earn no (zero) Commissions over a 12 month period.

This Agreement and Mindful Line’ standard Terms and Conditions may be modified by Mindful Line at any time, with or without prior notice to You. Amendments or modifications to this Agreement or the Terms and Conditions will be binding on You when they are sent to You via email, are posted on the webpage. No amendment to this Agreement or the Terms and Conditions shall be valid unless prepared or signed by Mindful Line. Your continued acceptance of Commission payments and/or promotion of Mindful Line constitutes Your acceptance to any modifications or amendments to this Agreement and the Terms and Conditions.


Except where otherwise inapplicable or prohibited by law, in no event shall Mindful Line or any of its officers, members, employees, independent contractors, representatives, and/or agents be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, consequential, punitive, or any other damages, fees, costs or claims arising from or related to this agreement, the privacy policy, the services or products, your or a third party's use or attempted use of the website or any software, service, or product, regardless of whether Mindful Line has had notice of the possibility of such damages, fees, costs, or claims. This includes, without limitation, any loss of use, loss of profits, loss of data, loss of goodwill, cost of procurement of substitute services or products, or any other indirect, special, incidental, punitive, consequential, or other damages. This applies regardless of the manner in which damages are allegedly caused, and on any theory of liability, whether for breach of contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), warranty, or otherwise.

In no event shall Mindful Line’s liability to you or your business exceed the amount of the payments paid by you to Mindful Line for the month preceding the date in which the facts giving rise to a claim against Mindful Line occurred.

This Agreement, along with Mindful Line’ standard Terms and Conditions, represents the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any other written or oral agreement between the Parties as pertaining to Your Affiliate application and Your rights and responsibilities as an Affiliate. In the event of a direct conflict between the Terms and Conditions and this Agreement, this Agreement shall govern.

By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as well as receiving e-mail notifications. You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing.

By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as well as receiving e-mail notifications. You can withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing.

Neuroart Limited @2023  Privacy Policy - Terms And Conditions

Privacy Policy
Terms And Conditions

Neuroart Limited @2023